Why Partnership?
Just as Paul confirms in 1 Corinthians 16:2, where he
wrote, “On the first day of the week let each of you lay something aside (NKJV), we
believe that with your systematic commitment in giving and support of this “world-
changing” assignment, you will receive hope, revelation, new releases and an abundance
of grace.
As God is blessing you, you are blessing others. Your prayers and financial seeds help to:
Evangelize the lost and disciple believers worldwide for God’s Kingdom.
Train Pastors and Ministry Leaders to be fully equipped to gather in the end-time Harvest.
Reap a Harvest of blessing in your life and for God’s Kingdom.
Empower others to win in life and fulfill a purpose and meet destiny.
Together, we are "Impacting People for Christ Worldwide Through Media…Starting with You!"